We knew it was coming…. the end of Daylight Saving Time. The countdown to December 21 now begins and it has nothing to do with the end of the world. Its when we can look forward to the days getting longer.
We’ve got a little less than two months to wrap up this little horse race. Can you believe that as a group we have rode over 27,000 miles? That is just incredible. Whether you are a top finisher or met your own personal goal, I am so proud of you who hung in there for the year. It took dedication – not only to our sport but to the game. I know it can be a pain to always be recording your rides and chasing miles, but it was fun, wasn’t it?
I had a blast!
Will there be a Distance Derby 2013? I’ll leave that up to Christine (Team Purple #15). She was the co-host of this competition and if she wants to continue it for 2013, I’ll turn the reins over to her. If Christine doesn’t want to sponsor it, perhaps someone else will step up. Please share your thoughts in the comments section with regards to 2013. If there is going to be a DD 2013, its time to start lining it up.
With that said, I just want you to know that I enjoyed not only riding in this race, but the weekly updates and commentary. I felt like I got to know each of you, albeit via cyberspace, and it has been a real pleasure.
When we started the Distance Derby 2012, I asked you each to submit a bio. Some of you made it short and sweet; others provided a bit more history. To those so inclined, think about what the Derby meant to you this past year and if you want to share it on this blog, I will post it for you; pictures are welcome. It doesn’t have to be today; I’ll just post as they come in between now and the end of the year. Just drop me an email. I will also be sending out a brief questionnaire about your rides to put together a brief compilation at the awards ceremony; be looking for that in December.
Speaking of awards, be watching the sidebar for a survey on which weekend works best for you if you plan to attend. It will be held at Chance Ridge in Elkhorn; horses optional depending on the weather.
Notable Mile Markers:
- Christine of Team#15 Purple is over 1,600 miles
- Tim of Grab’n Leather #45 crossed 1,100 miles
- Corie and Pinky & the Boys #47 reach 800 miles
- Sheila #7 crossed 400 miles on the Tevis Trail in California! How lucky is she? (Picture of the No Hands Bridge above)
I sure hope there is a DD 2013! This has been fun, given me new incentive and goals, and is yet another way to link horse people together. I'd love to participate again.
Tammy, thank you for all the thought and time you have put into this!
Shari (Team 55)
Distance Derby helped me stay connected to my long-time midwestern horsey friends and gave me incentive to get out there and ride! I was amazed at those at the top, racking up ridiculous miles! lol I knew I would not be competing with them, but I had my own goal (a mile a day for a year) and have exceeded that. Even got one of my pictures on the DD website (No Hands Bridge)! Tammy, thanks for yet-again coming up with fun stuff for us all to do. You have a gift for not only thinking it up and managing it, but attracting participants as well. Next year?? I'm in.
Sheila (Team 7)
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