
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sky Art




Our Derby leader, Juanita, was incommunicado recently while on a horse vacation down in southeastern Missouri.  She shared the above picture on Facebook of her husband’s horse taking a little dive in the river.  (Poor, Ray!  I think the ear in the picture is Juanita’s horse so guess who shot the picture! :)    I think she wins the prize for racking up the most distance on one vacation:  161.3 miles!  Congrats, Juanita! 




Sue of Team #73 has herself a new ride; a pretty bay Tennessee Walker mare named Tini and she is already adding to Sue’s Derby miles.  Congrats, Sue! 




Shari (#55) needs to have someone take a picture of her and her good horse, Mika.  They just completed the last CTR of the season at Kanopolis this past weekend and Shari took first in Horsemanship and Mika placed 2nd, giving them the CP High Point Combo award.  Congrats, Shari!   Robin #56 also placed 1st in Horsemanship in her class.  Congrats to both Derby riders!




If you read my “real” blog,, you probably know that Windy and I lost our riding buddy this past week, my white German Shepherd, Ritz.  He has had a couple seizures over the last few months and it got really bad this past weekend and we had him put to sleep.  Although we didn’t take him camping with us, when I rode from home, he was like the old American Express commercial:  I couldn’t leave home without him.  As a tribute to our pal, Windy and I got creative with the GPS yesterday in memory of such a fine dog.


Feel free to share your sky art.  Post it on the Facebook page. 


Lots of riders passing new mile markers this time!

  • #41 Juanita – 1,800 miles
  • #13 Cheryl, #23 Hollie and #21 John M – 700 miles
  • #28 Vic and #55 Shari – 600 miles
  • #60 Peggy – 500 miles
  • #73 Sue – 400 miles


Looks like we might have another nice mid-western weekend; highs in the 50’s.  I’ll take it!





Anonymous said...

2.21 miles 10/30 - riding lesson
total to date: 290.04

Tammy Vasa said...

Credit team 56 above mikes