I should be camping. This weather is just unfrickin’ believable. I find myself riding until dark and not even chilly. How many of you have been out riding in tee shirts? Tank tops? The horses just can’t shed their coats fast enough. I seriously thought about shaving Windy’s neck.
The down side is that March and some of April can be so unpredictable weather-wise that you just never know when it all might change.
Juanita hit 500 miles! I bet she was as happy as I was when I hit 200 miles. Obviously many of us are out of the running for the gold, but I hope that setting and meeting your own goals is as important to you as it is to me. The ultimate prize is ending the year with a better horse – heck, even becoming a better rider – and it won’t happen unless you are out there doing it. And this group of riders are doing that and more.
I see many of you reference each other when riding. I know some of you personally and who your riding buddies are, but not all of you. If you care to share about how you learned of the Distance Derby and who you ride with from the group, we’d love to read about it in the comments.
Speaking of comments, because I track the hours, I really enjoy reading the comments and when I have time, sharing them with the rest of the group. Been lacking in doing that lately, so I hope the rest of you will go out and read the comments attached to each competitor. How else will you know about the killer Chihuahua? Its fun to read about everyone’s rides and I’ll try to be better about sharing them.
Finally, if you could include your year-to-date (YTD) miles when you post, that is really helpful to me as I can check against my records as I record them. Just this week, I knew right away I was missing some hours from a rider as her YTD and mine did not match and we were able to get it corrected promptly.
Enjoy the weekend!
500 miles!! Are you kidding me??
Oh, yeah, I have to keep reminding myself I have my own (reachable) goal I'm working on... I am NOT in competition for the "prize". lol
My goal: 365 miles. For the whole year. I think I'm on course..
I need to think more about my overall goal. With Trail Time, I always had an hour goal in mind. I still have that; riding faster doesn't accumulate as many hours although I am riding more so ahead of where I was last year. I run about 650 a year; is 1,000 reachable for me? I don't think so. Maybe 800? Not sure yet... If summer is unbearably hot and gas is too expensive, it could really limit my riding.
I should have kept Trail Time hours--- I'd be doing a lot better on hours than miles (if you go slow, do hours. If you ride fast, do miles. Live n learn.)
How about a 10% increase as your new goal? (Another 65 miles, to make it 715? lol) That's always a good rule with dieting!
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