
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Race is Over


Sheila Team 7


Officially forty-six of the original seventy-four riders crossed the finish line after the long and much heated twelve-month Distance Derby.  Okay, a slight exaggeration but made for a good opening line.  Forty posted rides in November and 33 riders were still out there when winter hit in December – well, for some of us anyway!  It gave California gal, Sheila of Team 7, an opportunity to hop, skip and jump passed a few riders!


MeMe Team 68


To date, the last ride was posted by MeMe of Team 68 as she logged her final 2012 miles at the stroke of midnight and rode across into 2013, putting on the first rides of this year in the Distance Derby 2013.  I have to give it to those Iowa women – they tackled some tough conditions these last few weeks!




The early winner looks to be the self-proclaimed Crazy Woman from Iowa, our own Juanita, Team 41 logging about 140 miles this week.  Riders have 7 days to turn in their miles from the last ride.  Christine #15 and Juanita have traded leads all year. 


Christine #15


Did Christine hold back any miles from this last week to steal the victory?  It’s a waiting game that could change daily. 


Congrats to all the riders who crossed the finish line.  You played the game and rode your own race.  And that’s what it was all about.  Give your horse (or mule) a little extra loving today for taking you this far. 


If your miles are complete, please go to your page and put a comment that no further miles will be submitted and that your ride is done.  That may help us determine the winner a little quicker.  :) 




Distance Derby said...


Tammy Vasa said...

Test jtv acct

Tammy Vasa said...

Sorry to keep doing this to you guys but trying to get the site ready to hand over and need to make sure a few things are working. test 2012 with jtv.

Distance Derby said...

test 2012 with dd