My weatherbug says 15 degrees and I know the wind chill is below zero because I was out there opening gates and keeping the herd at bay while John put in a new round bale. Definitely coverall weather and the kind where you put your cheek up next to your horse’s neck to warm it up.
The race is most definitely on between our two top contenders! While Juanita was nursing the flu, that Christine snuck in some rides! Some BIG rides! As I said before, it could be any bodies horse race. Well, at least between the two of them! (The above picture of Christine vaguely resembles the Distance Derby logo.)
New Mile Markers
- I managed to squeeze past the 1,200 mile marker which was my goal. The rest is gravy, so to speak. Being the stat freak that I am, I blogged about my rides over on Shannon – since we share the love of spreadsheets, you’ll be especially interested and I hope to see yours on your blog! :)
- Cheryl of Team #13 passed 800. I think I have mentioned here or on Horsetales that she has been one of our most consistent Derby riders and it shows.
- Tammy Musil of Team #22 crossed the 700 mile marker and is not too far behind her husband. With a little encouragement, I think she could pass him up! Let’s plan to ride over the holidays, TM!
- And Miss Vic of Team #28 Ay-rab is enjoying her Texas weather and also leaving the 700 mile marker in the dust!
Distance Derby 2013
To those of you in the Distance Derby 2012, you need to let me know if you want in Distance Derby 2013. I think I have captured those who have mentioned it thus far, but you had better check for sure by visiting and looking for your team.
You’ll keep the same team # (easier bookkeeping for us) but are welcome to change your team name, bio and picture. You can do so by sending them to
Cold here too! (MT) Although I rode yesterday when it was in the teens, I stayed home today @ 9 below! Brrrr!
Tammy, Your stats & graphs are really cool! I'm going to have to figure out how to do the same!! FUN!
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