
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Team 12: Bailey

My name is Kay Bailey.  I live by Tabor IA.  Four arabians are my steeds.  They are Tino, Pris and Venesza and DotZero.



Anonymous said...

my comments go no where
how do I use this? where does it go? how do I know if it works?
what is a profile? why is it so important that I cant use this to post my miles/

Anonymous said...

I am very frustrated with this box

Tammy Vasa said...

It seems to be working. I can see your comments that you just made. Simply enter the number of miles you rode just like you did the comments above. You can enter as anonymous - doesn't matter - they will still show up here. I just need this to be used because it falls into a data base where I pick up everyone's miles. With 70+ riders, I must have them in a common place to pick them up. Thanks for your help.

Newbie said...

1/14/12 .17 miles
1/20/12 2.75 miles
1/21/12 4.32 miles

Newbie said...

1/28/12 7.21 miles

Newbie said...

2/01/12 2.86 miles

Christine said...

2/02/12 Bling: 15.77 miles

Newbie said...

5.87 miles for the birthday girl today, been sick for awhile. Felt good to be out and about. Very windy out.

Newbie said...

A very nice day for a ride. Had some quail jump up in front of us. She handled it like a pro. Venesza is all business when she's on the move. A really nice mare.

3/9/12 7.70 miles

Newbie said...

3/23/12 3.14 miles

Newbie said...

5.53 miles 3/24/12

Newbie said...

03/27/12 7.68 miles


Newbie said...

3/31/12 Hot & Humid! Feels like a summer day. I purchased a new saddle after Joanne Metz of JM4 Tack completed a saddle fitting session on the horses yesterday. Fortunately all three are the same width. I bought a Tucker Montreal Trooper saddle. Today I road Pristine with it on her. We had a big spook on the way home and I am amazed that I did not hit the ground! Make that a multiple spin spook. Just when she'd stop & I try to get off she start spinning again. I was finally able to step off her and let her mellow out. A couple of horses in the pasture next to the road had run up at us and scared her. Time for Tylenol and a shower to revive.

Oh yeah. 3/31/12 6.64 miles Pris

Newbie said...

the mileage for 3/31

Newbie said...

4/6/12 5.52 miles on Tino, checking out the motocross trails. Lots of hill work & no big spooks! He is very regular at keeping me on my toes. Maybe the new saddle helped?

Newbie said...

Happy Easter!
4/8 2.87 miles on V

Newbie said...

04/11/12 3.74 miles on Venesza = nice ride.

Newbie said...

04-20-12 10.43 miles at Lake of Three Fires on Pris
04-16-12 2.71 miles on Tino

Newbie said...

5/4 9.45 miles hot & humid

4/30 3.13 miles

Newbie said...

Looks like I squeaked by Kaboom for a moment. lol

Newbie said...

5-11-12 12.21 miles
What a nice place. Rode Venesza.

Tammy A said...

And you squeaked by me too! But I posted my hours from last week on Sunday, so I squeaked back by you! It is fun to see who is close in miles. But we have a BIG jump up to 29th position, Team Parys is 30+ miles ahead of us! And there are two teams hot on our heels :)!

I used to take my mares to a stallion down in Glenwood, so I know just were Tabor is! Some time I AM going to make it down to ride Wabonsie.

Tammy Alexander

Newbie said...

5/17/12 3.61 miles

Newbie said...

lol : )

Newbie said...

6/2/12 5.82 miles Pierce Creek Poker Ride

Newbie said...


Newbie said...

Yes.... working today!!

9.04 miles 8-24 Pris

6.69 miles 8-23 Tino

Newbie said...

09/01/12 3.09 miles

Newbie said...

09/06/12 8.89 miles in Tino

Newbie said...

9/8/12 12.55 miles on V. Nice nice day riding with friends. I will post a few pictures on facebook of today's ride. V paced herself nicely.

Newbie said...

09/14/12 5.92 miles with Margie on one of her Walkers. Unfortunately I ended up in a creek. I am ok, stiff and sore. The horse was unhurt too.

Newbie said...

Call it snortin mud! lol

Newbie said...

9/28/12 13.40 miles at Pierce Creek. I was riding Cindy, my friends Walker mare. She is super sweet.

Newbie said...

10/20/12 12.09 miles riding V. A beautiful fall day!

Newbie said...

11/16/12 1.85 miles

Newbie said...

11/29/12 4.43 miles on Tino. Is this really almost December?

Newbie said...

11/30/12 4.58 miles at Pierce Creek.

Newbie said...

5.44 miles on Pris 12/14/12

A beautiful day to ride!